Meet the Trustees

Who are the Blue Bell Hill Academy Trustees?

 Current Trustees:


Other Stakeholders:


What is the role of a Trustee?

Trustee's have the responsibility to:

Ensure that the school has clear aims and values and is being run effectively and efficiently for the benefit of the pupils and the wider community;

Focus on raising standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning so that every pupil achieves his/her full potential;

To ensure that a viable and equitable budget is set;

Recognise and celebrate the achievements of the school.


What do Trustee's do?

The full board of Trustee's meet once each term for about an hour and a half. There is a formal agenda with an external Clerk to the Governors taking notes which become the official minutes of the meeting. The Headteacher provides a full update of the previous few months in a Headteacher Report and the Chair of Governors feeds back information about Governor Committee meetings, Governors visits and Governor monitoring:

The two Committees, Personnel and Finance and Strategic also meet once each term;

Governors are excepted to make both formal and inform visits to the school on a very regular basis  to ensure that they are knowledgeable and informed about the school;

Governors are always part of any recruitment process, including observing applicants teaching and taking part in formal interviews;

Governors are expected to attend regular training session including induction training, safeguarding training and understanding data training.


 The Government expects Trustee's to:

  • Systematically monitor the school’s progress towards meeting agreed development targets;
  • Be well informed and knowledgeable about the school;
  • Take and support hard decisions in the interests of pupils;
  • Attend lessons to gather information about the school at work.


How do I access the Governing Body documents?

The governing body documents are available on the academy trust website.


How do I contact the Governing Body?

Contact the Chair of Governors by emailing or writing to the Chair of Governors addressed to the school or handed into the School Office.