Sport Premium
What is Sports Premium Funding?
In April 2013, the Department of Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport announced new funding of £150 million to support the delivery of PE and school sport.
Funding is being allocated to all schools with primary aged children across two years (September 2013 to August 2019). This will help schools to improve the quality of Sport and PE provision for all their children.
This great opportunity will allow schools to spend the sports funding on improving their provision of PE and sport as well as having the freedom to choose how they do this.
Click here to find out more about the Sports Premium Funding.
PE At Blue Bell Hill Primary and Nursery school:
We aim to promote and provide all our pupils with the opportunity to enhance their sporting experiences though an enriched PE curriculum. Each pupil receives 2 hours of structured P.E a week, alongside opportunities to attend extra-curricular clubs ran by staff and outside agencies. Throughout the year, pupils will be provided with unique experiences within sport and physical activity, this includes a ‘disability sports week’ and delivery of a variety of sports from outside agencies.
In early years foundation stage, our P.E curriculum stems from the Early Years Framework; Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters. During their P.E lessons, pupils develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility. Alongside providing pupils with the opportunity to move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.
In KS1, pupils master the basic movements including running, jumping and throwing etc. Pupils will begin to participate in team games, developing simple tactics to help overcome the opposition. Dance and Gymnastics will also be partaken in which allows pupils to be creative and work with partners or in small groups as they continue to develop the key skills in PE.
Throughout KS2, the children will undertake games which are sports specific including: invasion games (football, basketball, hockey and tag-rugby); striking and fielding games (rounders and kwik-cricket) and net/wall games (tennis & badminton). Gymnastics and dance continue to be taught with the addition of athletics at the end of the year. During KS2, pupils also take part in outdoor and adventurous activities developing strategic approaches to challenges as an individual and within a team.
During the summer term, we hold a sports day in which all children take part in and is well supported by parents/carers.
At Blue Bell Hill, we are very proud of our strong swimming offer. By the end of KS2, each pupil attends an ECAS (Every Child A Swimmer) course. This has proven to be very successful with a high percentage of pupils being able to swim 25 meters upon completion. Those children that have not reached the 25m mark will have an additional opportunity to achieve this with a catch up session in year 6.
For information on how the School Sports Funding is spent and its impact, please click on the link below.
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